Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Workbench Update

While I have been a little lax with photo updates I have been busy painting.

The following are ready for varnishing:
  • 6 Minas Tirith Knights
  • 24 Minas Tirith Warriors (inc 8 archers)
  • 1 Minas Tirith Bannerbearer
  • 24 Mordor Orcs (inc 8 archers)
  • 8 Fighting Uruk-hai
  • 8 Uruk-hai w. Pike
In addition we have the following in various states of repair:
  • 60 (odd) 28mm Celts and 3 Chariots assembled and undercoated.
  • 3 Goblin Warbosses cleaned and based on slate to give them a bit of majesty. One is mounted on a Giant Squid.
  • 3 Sets of Fences cleaned and awaiting undercoating.
  • Warhammer Inn (Chapel) cleaned and awaiting undercoating.
  • Warhammer Tower (modified) cleaned and awaiting undercoating.
  • Lots of WOTR bases have been covered in glue and grit then undercoated.
  • Other stuff that has been basecoated or otherwise started over the years and is awaiting a little TLC to complete.
Lastly, I have some new rule sets in the stable:
  • Napoleon (Foundary)
  • 1644 (Rick Priestly)
That's it for now.


Sand Goblins - 3 Units Complete

Three units of Sand Goblins completed, 2 of Spearmen and 1 of Archers. Total of 60 figures.

They were painted and varnished with Army Painter Soft Shade. They are based but require a spray with matt vanish to dull them down.