Friday, March 27, 2009

Painting Challenge

I've decided I am going to paint the following as my contribution to the Painting Challenge

  • Twelve (12) Witch Elves inc full command
  • Ten (10) Shades - I shall use my Mengil Manhide models for this
  • One (1) Noble / Dreadlord on a Cold One
  • One (1) Death Hag with Cauldron of Blood
  • Lokhir Fellheart

which is about 830 points...

I think I will get Juliette to paint an assassin to place in one of the units - you will never know he is there until it's too late

Been busy

Here are some photo's of my walls and fences and Rob's models...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Painting Comp - Empire War Altar

This is the first unit for the painting challenge; an Empire War Altar. I am sure that a new plastic one will be released this year, but I need one now. BTW ~325 points he he he

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sand Goblins - Test Figures

I have completed 2 test figures and have done 3/4 of the block painting on the rest of the unit (20 figures inc Command)

This is the basic block painted figure.

The figure on the left has a wash of Devlan Mud on the cloths, followed by a highlight of Iyanden Darksun.

The figure on the right got a wash with Army Painter Soft Tone. It is shiny but well protected and still needs a spray of matt varnish.

I am impressed by the protection the Army painter system provides the figures. While the Standard approach gives more depth and a ragged look, I prefer the colour of the Army Painted figure. I still think I am wiping off too much of the wash when I apply it. No dout I will improve with use.

So the Army Painter method it is for Sand Goblins.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This week in the "barn" we will be painting and modeling.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Timeprowler Pictures

Guys you can see my gaming related pictures at

Monday, March 16, 2009

Goblin Preparation - Part 2

I managed to get home early tonight and get the Goblins undercoated.

WHITE!!! All 62 of them.

Not Black, as they will not be Night Goblins but Sand Goblins.

Tomorrow we start with the test figures.

Terrain Stocks

I've continued the push to get some terrain painted - flat empty boards are going to be a thing of history...

to this end - I've painted a whole 3 inch fence!!!!!

i've also started the cold one for my dreadlord.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Goblins Prepared for Painting

Over the weekend I have managed to get the 60 Goblins from the "Battle for Skull Pass" set clipped off the sprue and cleaned off all the molding lines.

This is the the start of a Orc and Goblin Army, which will be predominately goblin based. Lots of low value troops screaming across the battlefield, in both attack or retreat.

Painting Challenge

Welcome to the 750pt Painting Chellenge.

The rate at which painted figures come out of the shed has fallen radically, and this little challenge is an attempt to change that. The aim is to paint 750pts of your favourite army by the 30th June 2009.

Rules are simple:
  1. Paint 750pts by 30/6/09.
  2. Warhammer, 40K, WOTR and LOTR are all acceptable.
  3. Must be a legal army based on 2000pt list.
  4. You may add to an existing force, however it must still meet the criteria of point 3.
  5. Figures may already be assembled and basecoated, but no more.
  6. Starts immediately.
  7. Paul H. gets special dispensation, but must paint at least 1 Character and a unit of 10 Core troops.
  8. Your better half must paint at least 1 figure, not necessarily for your force. (You never know, they may like it, and no I have not asked Ruth.)
(For War of the Ring, 750 points may need to be reassessed once we study the lists but it feels about right.)

The Electric-Shed will be used to capture progress. It will be configured so that only Authors may create posts or add comments. I hope that we will see lots of photos.

Labels for this should be "Painting Contest" and your army type.

Happy painting.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Powering up the Electric Shed

The Electric Shed is up and running at last.

This will be the blog capturing the wargaming exploits in the shed, from projects underway, to Battle Reports and Campaigns.