Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sand Goblins - Test Figures

I have completed 2 test figures and have done 3/4 of the block painting on the rest of the unit (20 figures inc Command)

This is the basic block painted figure.

The figure on the left has a wash of Devlan Mud on the cloths, followed by a highlight of Iyanden Darksun.

The figure on the right got a wash with Army Painter Soft Tone. It is shiny but well protected and still needs a spray of matt varnish.

I am impressed by the protection the Army painter system provides the figures. While the Standard approach gives more depth and a ragged look, I prefer the colour of the Army Painted figure. I still think I am wiping off too much of the wash when I apply it. No dout I will improve with use.

So the Army Painter method it is for Sand Goblins.

1 comment:

  1. V impressed. The ease of army painter wins out. Like the idea.


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