Thursday, January 1, 2015

Intended Gaming Projects for 2015

What am I intending to achieve in 2015.

I have two written projects on the go that are about 40% complete so have atleast another 90% to go.
  1. A Right Bloody Mess, the Australian Civil War.
  2. A set of Skirmish rules that are very interactive.
Painting Projects:
  1. 10mm Kings of War / Impetus - I have already painted considerable amount, but when is a project ever really over.
  2. Saga Forces - Shield decals need application to complete 2 4point armies.
  3. 10mm ACW - made a start but that is all so far, need to determin how I will base them.
  4. Pulp War Americians - these are currently on the painting desk but only flesh and a few items of clothing has been done.
  5. 2mm Battle of Blenheim - done my research and about 6 bases, so need to get my end in gear. Unfortuately painting 2mm can be a pain, but at least they are finished quickly. Given I intend to do the entire 10mile wide battlefield at a figure scale about 13:1 there are a few figures.
  6.  A Right Bloody Mess. I need to decide a scale and get painting. I have an abundance of FOW figures, many of which will work well with no or minor modification so we will have to see if 15mm is trumped by 28mm. Eureka has some great 15mm figures that wil fit perfectly so that may be the deciding factor.
  7. Chibi Miniatures. I have loads and paint each one individually rather than as a batch so they are of a higher standard than my normal. I want to be able to use them for D&D type encounters.
  8. Sharp's Practice. I would like two small forces so I can get some fun in.
  9. Bag the Hun - 6mm Aircraft. This is in the "just for fun/a change" basket.
  10. Traveller 15mm - just keep building up small forces as I have a setting I would like to play in.
And on it goes. I will stop here and hope this me adding too much more to the pile before i finish any of the above. Admittedly most of the list is a never ending pattern as we all know just a few more units will always tempt us.

Lastly, as in 2014 I intend to buy figures only from Nic at Eureka Minitures plus any kickstarters that I cannot  resist (although I am getting better at this). My unpainted pile is sufficient to keep me healthy for a good many years.

2015 - lets paint like it was 2014.


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